Recording Episode 1 with Bro. Ben Barnes The Halls at Jim's installation as District Education Officer Jim, Jack, & Ben with WB Lou Eggert, Master of Williamson-Corinthian Lodge No. 368 The Legend, RWB John Martin Jim's son Brock with the ring! Jim along with WB Tom Cresanto, WB Wade Baer, & WB Ryan Cresanto outside of the Dayton Masonic Temple WB James Dalton recording in Indiana with Jim! Jim with his son Jack joining DeMolay WB Dan Lewis of Perry Lodge No. 185 The Legend, Ryan, Wade, & Jim at Annual Communication The Hall's at Jim's Installation as Master of East Palestine 417 RWB Mike McCandlish & wife Becky at the Grand Masters Reception. Bro. Ben Barnes' Entered Apprentice Night. MWB Jess Raines Installed Jim as Master of East Palestine 417 The Hall boys in the East! Presenting R.W. Grand Master Jeffrey Wonderling an Honorary Membership to East Palestine 417 East Palestine 417's Altar WB Bob Batchelor taking home EP's first Traveling Gavel in 2015 Jim takes the obligation as Master of East Palestine 417 in 2019 Jim taking the Obligation of a District Education Officer Jim taking the obligation as a District Deputy Grand Master from RWB John Martin. The Great Light Jim in his first office of Senior Steward & with hair Brothers don't shake hands, Brothers gotta hug. Traveling to Allen Lodge No. 276 Jim with RWB Chad Kopenski & MWB Jess Raines at the Midwest Conference on Masonic Education WB Wade Baer, WB Ryan Cresanto, & Jim at a One Day Event. Royal Scofield Society Masters of the Craft members! Sitting as Chancellor of East Palestine 417 for the Opening of their new Lodge Building Bro. Jay Clark repping The Traveling Man Hoodie RWB Tim Cline & RWB Jim Hall! Jim accepting the Director of Programs for the Grand Lodge of Ohio from MWB Keith Newton RWB Jason Laramee & Jim at the Midwest Conference on Masonic Education Jim, Ben, & Ryan join the Al Koran Shrine Fellowship is the name of the game Jim along with MWB Keith Newton, MWB Rich Dickerscheid, & MWB Jess Raines Jim with friend and mentor WB Bob Batchelor Installing Officer RWB Jim Cardelein & RWB Jim Hall share a laugh during Installation! RWB Tim Cline & Jim at Ohio's Annual Communication Receiving the Master of the Craft from MWB Jess Raines Jim & RWB Jason Gorney at Wellsville Lodge No. 180 Jim with RWB Jason Laramee & WB Adam Rigden at East Palestine 417 Jim with Bro. Adam Hickman RWB Keith Manbeck & Jim at the 24th District Grand Masters Reception 24th District DEO's Brian Fitzgerald, Shawn Smith, & Jim at Jenkins Lodge No. 417 Recon Building Brotherhood MWB Jess Raines presents RWB Jim Hall with his DDGM Apron and an embrace between friends! WB Wade Baer as installing Chaplain for Jim as District Deputy. Brothers don't shake hands, Brothers gotta hug! WB Ben Barnes, the first guest on The Traveling Man! Bald heads never looked so good! RWB Jim Hall installed as a District Deputy Grand Master of Ohio! WB Ryan Cresanto making proclamation at Jim's installation! The Legend RWB John Martin with Jim! The Halls! Jim, Bree, Jack, & Brock! Masons in attendance for the Installation! Worshipful Master Ben Barnes installation as Master of East Palestine Lodge No. 417! RWB Jim Hall & RWB Jason Gorney at East Ohio River Council Allied Masonic Degrees! If there wasn't a picture, it didn't happen! Jim along with WB Rube Ginder!